Monday, October 14, 2013

stuck in my head: october 14th edition

"I Wish I Could Break Your Heart" by Cassadee Pope- I was a little iffy about her debut album, because after The Voice it seemed as though Blake Shelton was pushing her more towards a country career. In my opinion, I feel like that's changing who she is. She started with Hey Monday, which is the furthest from country. Though I do like the album, and I believe that girls can relate to a lot of her songs. This one for example, is one of those  "blast with the windows down and scream at the top of your lungs" songs that every girl needs after a stupid boy screws them over.

"Classic" by MKTO- All of the credit to my friend Rachel for introducing me to this duo. The vocals are very unique, because they combine smooth singing with a twist of hip hop. The refrain is nothing less than catchy, and it makes me come back to listen to it over and over again.

"Bruises" by Train ft. Ashley Monroe- I stumbled across this song when I was driving around the other day, and it was so bizarre how I engulfed myself into a 3:52 experience. The lyrics are exactly how I hope an interaction with a certain person will pan out if I see him in the next five years. I also think the combination of voices in this song is so light and fun, making the song become a bit more positive.

"The One That Got Away by Katy Perry: My friends and I watched Katy Perry's movie last week and I can honestly say that each and every time there are moments that get me more than others. I also realize how much of a kickass person Katy Perry is. Her songs have been on the soundtrack to many parts of my life, another thing I didn't realize until I watched the movie. For as wild and crazy as her albums and wardrobe used to be, Katy is quite the reserved person, and I can appreciate that whole heartedly.

"Sorry" by Naya Rivera: First of all, good for her for putting her pipes to good use outside of Glee. Second, this song is catchy as hell. I've known about it for a couple of weeks now and it has been stuck in my head so many times. Naya has a unique voice that should be spread to the world, and I hope this song gets the chance it deserves.